Open Source

  • Fabian Sinner
  • September 14, 2023

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    Open Source

    The term “open source” refers to software or technology where the source code is freely available to the public and can be collaboratively edited, improved, and shared by a community of developers.  

    Unlike proprietary software, where the source code is closed and often controlled by one company, open source enables collaborative, transparent, and community innovation. Developers worldwide can view, customize, and distribute source code. This approach has led to various projects in various fields, such as software, hardware, and data analytics. 

    What are some well-known examples of opensource software? 

    Open-source software is used in countless application areas, including the following: 

    Operating Systems: 

    • Linux: A widely used operating system that is used on many devices. 
    • FreeBSD: An operating system that focuses on stability and performance. 

     Office applications: 

    • LibreOffice: A comprehensive suite of office applications that includes word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, and more. 
    • Apache OpenOffice: Another office suite with similar features. 

    Web browser: 

    • Mozilla Firefox: A well-known and often used web browser. 
    • Chromium: The open-source version of Google’s Chrome browser. 

    Content Management Systems (CMS): 

    • WordPress: A popular CMS used to create websites. 
    • Joomla: Another CMS with multiple features for website development. 


    • MySQL: A widely used database. 
    • PostgreSQL: A powerful and extensible open-source database. 

    Graphics Editing: 

    • GIMP: A powerful program for image editing and graphic design. 
    • Inkscape: A powerful vector graphics editor. 

    Programming languages and frameworks: 

    • Python: A popular programming language. 
    • Ruby on Rails: A web framework for rapid web application development. 

     Collaboration tools: 

    • Git: A versioning system for managing source code. 
    • Mattermost: A platform for team communication. 

     Networking tools: 

    • Wireshark: A popular network analyzer. 
    • OpenVPN: A software for setting up virtual private networks. 

     This list is far from exhaustive, as thousands of open-source projects are used in various fields. Each project has its own features, goals, and communities that help develop and improve the software. 

    What advantages does opensource offer compared to proprietary software? 

    Open-source software has several advantages over proprietary software. First of all, open source is characterized by its openness and transparency. The freely accessible source code allows developers worldwide to view and edit how the software works. This promotes collaboration and innovation in the developer community. 

    An additional significant advantage is the cost savings. Open-source software is usually available free of charge, which is particularly attractive to smaller companies and individual developers. This reduces the financial burden and allows broader access to powerful tools and solutions. 

    The flexibility of this type of software is also notable. Open-source code allows developers to customize the software to meet their specific needs and create tailored solutions. This leads to increased adaptability and efficiency. 

    Another aspect concerns security. Since the source code is open, the community can identify and fix security holes and vulnerabilities faster. This contributes to greater security and stability of the software. 

    The diversity of available open-source software is an additional benefit. A wide range of projects in different areas offer a wide choice of solutions. This allows users to choose the most suitable software for their needs. 

    Finally, the philosophy fosters an active and engaged developer community. The open exchange of knowledge and ideas leads to continuous development and improvement of the software. This collaborative environment helps ensure that open-source software stays at the cutting edge of technology and continues to evolve. 

    How does collaboration work in the opensource community? 

    Collaboration in the open-source community is based on openness, transparency, collaboration, and joint innovation principles. Here, you will learn the basic steps and aspects necessary for collaboration in the open-source community: 

    • Source code availability: In the community, the software’s source code must be made publicly available. This allows developers from all over the world to view, analyze, and improve the code.

    • Versioning and code repository: Source code is typically managed in a code repository, which allows developers to track, document, and merge changes. Popular platforms for code repositories include GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket.

    • Collaborative development: Developers from different parts of the world can work on the same project. They can fix bugs, add new features, and make improvements. Development usually takes the form of “pull requests” (on GitHub) or “merge requests” (on GitLab), where changes are proposed for review and incorporation.
    • Discussion and feedback: Most open-source projects have communication channels such as mailing lists, forums, or chat rooms where developers can discuss ideas, clarify technical issues, and provide feedback.

    • Documentation: Good documentation is critical in the community. Developers create guides, manuals, and tutorials to help others use and develop the software.

    • Licensing: Licensing of the project is an important aspect. Any contribution to the project must be compatible with the chosen open-source license to ensure that user freedoms are maintained.

    • Code reviews: Before changes are incorporated into the main project, they usually go through a code review process. Other developers review the code for quality, security, and compliance with project standards.

    • Release cycles: Those projects often have regular release cycles in which new versions of the software are released. These versions may include new features, bug fixes, and enhancements.

    • Recognition and Contribution: Developers who contribute to the project are usually recognized in the form of credits, mentions, or contributors to the project. Involvement in the  community can also be beneficial for personal and professional development. 

    Collaboration in the community encourages knowledge sharing, collaborative innovation, and the creation of high-quality software that is freely available to everyone. Basically, anyone can do their part if they wish.

    Are there any restrictions or legal aspects?

    Although open-source software is available free of charge and can often be used freely, license conditions must be respected. These license terms vary depending on the type of license used. 

    For example, some licenses such as the GNU General Public License (GPL) require any derivative software or modification to be released under the same open-source license. This means that using GPL-licensed software may impose restrictions if your own software or application must also be released under the GPL. 

    Some other open-source licenses also require changes to the source code flow back into the community, meaning that developments and improvements must be made available to the general public. This can affect how developers modify and distribute their software. 

    It is important to carefully check the particular license of the software used and ensure that all conditions are met. Violations of license terms can have legal consequences and damage the reputation of a project or company. 

    In addition to license terms, patent and trademark rights may also play a role. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the legal aspects of the open-source software used or, if necessary, to seek legal advice to ensure that use is in compliance with the relevant rights and regulations. 

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